Wednesday, March 15, 2006

It's official

My daughter is a nerd. And that's a good thing :)

Shannon takes long baths. Long, long baths. She disappears into the bathroom with a book and sometimes a cup of tea and I don't see her until I have to pound on the door because we are, after all, a one bathroom family.

However, tonight she took the fastest bath of her life - and this is including the times when she was a baby and didn't really like the whole "get clean" thing. Why did she hurry through her ablutions?

Because it was 6:30pm and Star Trek TNG was coming on at 7.

Oh she's seen the show before and might have joined me on occasion to listen to Data wax poetic about Spot. But her vacation last week and the lack of anything else to watch made a full nerd out of her. She has to watch it every night.

I'm so proud :)


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