Saturday, February 18, 2006


Ok so I accidentally dropped my beloved new cellphone in the toilet and ruined it. Let's just get that embarassing story out of the way. It's gone and I'm kicking myself for my stupidity.

So I call Virgin because I know they offer replacement phones for a lesser charge. I guess you get a refurbished one or something. Anyway, my phone was the top model and was the one splurge I allowed myself with my tax refund. When I arrvied at Fedex this morning to get my replacement phone -

I was prepared to give it a good snog because I've missed it. Until I opened the box anyway. They sent me the wrong model :( After an irate call to Virgin I find out I can't get a replacement phone for the model I paid for because they don't have any that are refurbished. I could either send this wrong one back and have my account credited for the cost, then go buy my phone again (essentially paying double what the phone is worth) or I could live with the model they gave me.

I decided to live with the one they gave me but I'm not happy about it :( it has all the bells and whistles I wanted but damnit, it's just not the phone I bought :(

Ah well. I can either grump about it or take it as a lesson in NEVER leaving your cell phone in a loose pocket.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

virgin mobile? aren't they the pay per minute thing you buy at walmart?

something tells me you could have gotten a better phone or better service with one of the local companys.

that and they offer replacement plans for things like 'dropping phone in toilet'.

but i'm sure you already know that.

7:28 AM  
Blogger atomicweightofcheese said...

Yes you can get Virgin phones at Walmart. I prefer the pay-as-you go plans because they don't fuck you in the ass on overages and roaming and fees blah blah blah. I don't use my phone often enough to warrant shelling out 30 or 40 bucks a month on some "plan." So the pay as you go kind are my preferred choice.

Plus I love Virgin mobile, it's what I had in England and they're a fun company.

Anyway I'm over my anger (which was mostly anger at myself when I stopped to think about it) because it was really my own fault for losing the phone in such a way aanyway. I got a replacement phone which I thought was a lesser phone but the more I played with it this weekend I realized it has everything my other phone did and even a few more extras that one didn't. So I'm happy and I've learned a lesson. The end.

8:17 AM  

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