Sunday, December 11, 2005

So flat

The driver's view of the long stretch of road between Lincs and GI. Sooo difficult to stay awake because as you can see, it's very boring and flat.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

take hwy 34.. faster and more stuff to look at

7:03 AM  
Blogger atomicweightofcheese said...

Nah. Just wanted to get home and 80's new exit comes out by my house. Besides, I hate 34 because you are always having to slow down as you drive through the teeny towns that dot it. Don't see how that's faster than taking the ineterstate.

7:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hiway 34 is a LOT more fun. I never take the Interstate any more.

2:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe i never take 80 anymore either. I always take 34..

and slow down? you don't HAVE to..

besides even if you do (because sometimes i have to obey the speed limits if the woman is with me) it's still quicker. shorter distance and all.

but the hills closer to lincoln and the country side is so pretty.

and just fyi, i've never encountered a cop there.. while i've encountered many on i80.. even got arrested! (for a bounced 3.14$$ check)

4:28 PM  

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