Monday, November 21, 2005

Jury Duty

So le batteries are still dead and I forgot to buy more. Today's pic comes from some county government site. I had to go by the courthouse this afternoon and drop off my papers for jury duty.

I've never been called for jury duty before. I know most people would rather drag themselves across a field of broken glass then go through jury duty but I'm sort of interested in the process. I'm sure I'll find it's a pain the ass and I'll hate it but until then, I'll be hoping I get a good case.

Unless they won't use me because I work for the media. Who knows.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Atleast you didn't have to drag yourself to lincoln for a few weeks everday..

that was my experience in jury duty. but good side is they paid very well for gas. Specially since I was driving a very eco cat at the time.

7:12 AM  

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